
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Teen mom 3 workout

A while back I made a Teen Mom 2 workout, and it was hard!  I made this one easier, after all if we really wanted a workout, we would go to the gym.  This is how we watch TV and not feel guilty about it.  So if your guilty pleasure is crappy TV like teen mom 3 then this is for you!

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Harlee starts school!

Oh my! My baby is in school! I'm just so thankful we are homeschooling and I don't have to send her away everyday.  Besides that she is so smart that she would be board in school.  Yesterday she did 5 days worth of math in about 20 minutes because she knew everything.  I flipped to the back of the book and she knew everything there too.  Can we skip to algebra please?

I love you Harlee, and I'm so blessed to spend this school year with you.  I'll have the pleasure of continuing to watch you grow and learn, and I couldn't be happier about that.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Clip art quilting

No, no, no, I don't mean clip art pictures of quilts.  I mean I USED clip art to help me make this quilt, because I'm a terrible artist.  Seriously, my two year old is about to pass me up in artistic ability.

I sewed my quilt top together in three sections and used spray adhesive to stick it to the batting.  Which is way awesomer than pinning because it holds better, and when your quilting, you don't have to hug a porcupine.

Then I printed out a clip art star and traced the stars on my quilt with a chalk wheel.  After that I sewed all over my chalk lines.  Hey! Pretty good for a beginner quilter! Now if my mom would just get that quilting machine I could really rock it. Maybe one day I'll have a quilting machine.

Next, I sewed my three sections of quilt together and was quite surprised to find that the extra batting in the seam added very minimal bulk.  You probably wouldn't even notice if I didn't tell you.

Now, remember that I have the quilt top quilted to the batting with on back.  So I cut the back to the exact size and pinned them together right sides together and sewed it, leaving a hole to turn it right side out.

I closed the hole with a precise and neat hand whip stitch.  Just kidding.  I just top stitched all the way around.  I only use needle and thread for emergencies and those pesky buttons.

Easiest binding ever! Maybe that's because it's non-binding binding? Check out my first attempt at non-binding binding.

*I must read the tutorial before diving into projects* 
*I must read the tutorial before diving into projects* 
*I must read the tutorial before diving into projects*

Bah, who am I kidding.  I always look at a picture on pinterest and think I just must know how they did it.  If my husband showed me a couple pictures on plugging wells I would probably think I knew how to do that too.

I digress....

This non-binding binding looks sweet.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Yes I know I have been MIA for a while, unfortunately my Grandpa passed recently.  I was actually named after him! His name is Doyle and how else do you name a girl after Doyle but Doylenn? He was a fabulous man and I will always cherish all the memories I have with him.  He loved to hunt (and was a fantastic shot), he was a rancher, he was a fixer, and he is loved. He always loved watching the girls play.  I'm sure he is watching them now as I right this, and they are getting out of bed for the 6 thousandth time. He is probably laughing at me. I love you Grandpa, and I am honored to be named after you.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dave Ramsey money envelopes

Once I saw these Dave Ramsey money envelopes I just knew I had to make a pile for myself.  Before we were just using regular paper envelopes and every other second I was switching one out because they were getting all haggard.  And since your on a budget these can be made entirely from scraps. 

 1. Cut two squares (matching or not!) 7 3/4'' by 7 3/4''

2. Apply medium weight interfacing to one of the squares. I save my scraps just for this.

 3. Sew the squares, right sides together, leaving a hole to turn it right side out.  Clip the corners.

4. Turn and sew along two opposite sides of your square. 

5. Fold the square in half, bringing the seams together. I like the piece with the interfacing on the outside, but I have made them with the interfacing on the inside fabric and it doesn't make much of a difference.

6. Sew the other opposite edges.

7. Stuff with money.  I also put in a index card where I write what the envelope is for and how much goes in each month.

8. Go forth and multiply.

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